32 IAS Empanelled as Additional Secretary | See Full List

32 IAS Empanelled as Additional Secretary
32 IAS Empanelled as Additional Secretary

Indian Bureaucracy News | 1991 Batch Additional Secretary Level Empanelment – The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet (ACC) has approved the empanelment of following 25 IAS Officers for holding Additional Secretary level posts at the Centre including Renu Gonela Pillay IAS (Chhattisgarh 1991) presently Principal Secretary- Skill Development Technical Education and Employment Dept, Abhilaksh Likhi IAS (Haryana 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Agriculture, Co-operation & Farmer Welfare Dept, New Delhi, Anil Malik IAS (Haryana 1991) presently Joint Secretary-  MHA, Delhi and Shailesh Kumar Singh IAS (Jharkhand 1991) presently Principal Secretary- Higher, Technical Education & Skill Development  Dept, Jharkhand .

Rachna Shah IAS (Kerala 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Cabinet Secretariat, B Srinivas IAS (Kerala 1991) presently Joint Secretary- MSME,  L K Atheeq IAS (Karnataka 1991) presentlyPrincipal Secretary- Rural Dev & Panchayat Raj Dept, Bengaluru,  Nilaya Mitash IAS (Karnataka 1991) presently Resident Commissioner- Karnataka Bhavan,   V Vidyavathi IAS (Karnataka 1991) presently Joint Secretary- M/o Environment, Forests & Climate Change, New Delhi while Vandana Gurnani IAS (Karnataka 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, New Delhi,  Manoj Govil IAS (Madhya Pradesh 1991) presently Principal Secretary- Finance Dept, Madhya Pradesh and Jan E Alam IAS (Nagaland 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of Minority Affairs, GoI, Krishna Gupta IAS (West Bengal 1991) presently Principal Resident Commissioner-WB, New Delhi,  Manoj Pant IAS (West Bengal 1991) presently Principal Secretary – Dept. of L&LR and RR&R Dept and PHE Dept, West Bengal.

Saurabh Garg IAS (Odisha 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of Finance, GoI,  Arvind Kumar IAS (Telangana 1991) presently Principal Secretary- Municipal Admn & Urban Development Dept,  G Asok Kumar IAS (Telangana 1991) presently Principal Resident Commissioner- Telangana Bhavan, New Delhi,  N Muruganandam IAS (Tamil Nadu 1991) presently Principal Resident Commissioner- Tamil Nadu House, New Delhi,  S Gopalakrishnan IAS (Tamil Nadu 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of Electronics & IT, GoI,   Supriya Sahu IAS (Tamil Nadu 1991) presently Director General- Dte Gen of Doordarshan, New Delhi,  Nivedita Shukla Verma IAS (Uttar Pradesh 1991) presently Principal Secretary- Food & Civil Supply, Lucknow,  Kamran Rizvi IAS (Uttar Pradesh 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of Rural Development,  Amit Yadav IAS (AGMUT 1991) presently Joint Secretary- Dept of Telecommunication, Ministry of Communication and IT,  Deba Mukherjee IAS (AGMUT 1991) presently Joint Secretary- PMO and  Manish Kumar Gupta IAS (AGMUT 1991) presently Principal Commissioner – DDA under Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.

The Appointments Committee of the Cabinet has approved the empanelment of 7 IAS Officers for holding Additional Secretary Equivalent level posts at the Centre, pls see full list with current posting:

Ashish Upadhyay IAS (Madhya Pradesh 1989) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of  Coal , Pramod Kumar Tiwari IAS (Assam Meghalya 1991) presently Joint Secretary-  Dept of Food & Public Distribution, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution , Vijayendra IAS (Assam Meghalya 1991) presently Joint Secretary-  DDP, Ministry of Defence, Rajit Punhani IAS (Bihar  1991) presently Joint Secretary- Ministry of Labour & Employment, V Thiruppugazh IAS (Gujarat 1991) presently Senior Adviser- NDMA, MHA, Anu Garg IAS (Odisha 1991)  presently Principal Secretary- Labour & ESI Deptt., Odisha and Satya Brata Sahu IAS (Odisha 1991) presently Director- Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (NHIDCL).