The provision of Citizen-Centric Online Services is the foundation of an efficient public administration system. It leads to transparency and accountability in the governance and fosters equitable growth.
Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) has taken up a goal in quantum shift in Online Government Services across the country. This aims to further Government’s efforts at revamping of Public Administration system, Public Grievance Redress Mechanism, ushering in e-Governance, Digital India, etc., more so in the context of the goal of ‘Minimum Government with Maximum Governance’ through e-Governance based Citizen Centric End-to-End On-line Services.
In this regard, DARPG is exploring the possibility of collaboration with various foreign countries in the field of Public Administration and Governance in several areas of cooperation alongwith concerned line Ministries in GoI. Countries like South Korea, Australia, USA, UK, Singapore and New Zealand rank high in the UN E-Government Survey. It has already partnered with UNDP to help India become a Global Leader in providing Online end-to-end Citizen Centric Services.
As a further step towards this goal, Shri Devendra Chaudhry, Secretary, (DARPG) had a intensive detailed meeting with Mr. Patrick Suckling, High Commissioner of Australia in India.
High Commissioner of Australia appreciated India’s efforts and initiation in providing Digital Services to its Citizens. He lauded DARPG’s efforts to take the endeavour forward in a focused manner. High Commissioner of Australia also mentioned about Australia’s best practices in citizen centric services through use of e-governance tools prevalent in their respective countries. Secretary (AR&PG) commended them and stated that India would like to learn and emulate these best practices in providing citizen centric services through efficient and effective processes and technology tools. As a first step, there could be exchange of policy makers and stakeholders on the subject which would lay the ground work to proceed in a focussed manner.
It was agreed that :
- a) A delegation of top policy makers and stakeholders on the subject would visit Australia in the second week of February, 2016 which will lay the ground work to proceed in a focused manner.
- b) Areas of cooperation could be-
(i) Healthcare
(ii) Education
(iii) Social Welfare
(iv) Farm Productivity& Farmer’s Welfare
(v) Providing Citizen Centric Services through IT Platform
(vi) Government Process Re-Engineering for efficient and effective delivery of Public Services
(vii) Simplifying Government Process and Institutions – Minimum Government Maximum governance
(viii) Promoting Transparency and Accountability in delivery of Public Services
(ix) Crisis and Disaster Management
(x) Smart Urban and Rural Governance
(xi) Capacity Building
(xii) Public Grievance Redress Mechanisms