Coal India dispatches 0.88 MT Coal to power sector

Coal India 89 ongoing
Coal India 89 ongoing projects -indian Bureaucracy

Coal India today said it has supplied 0.88 million tonnes of dry fuel to the power sector out of its total coal dispatch of 1 MT on September 17, the Ministry of Coal said .

On September 17, the total daily coal dispatch of Coal India Limited was 1 MT. Out of it, coal dispatch to power sector was about 0.88 MT and the rest 0.12 MT was dispatched to non-regulated sector, the ministry said in a statement.

It also said a total of 161.5 railway rakes of coal were dispatched to different consumers out of which 146 railway rakes were dispatched to power sector alone.

“The dispatch to power sector through rail is around 20 per cent more as compared to the same period of September 2016,” the statement said.

The pit head stock at CIL coal mines was 33.01 MT and the number of power plants in critical and super critical category was 8 and 9, respectively.

There has been a dip in coal stocks at power plants due to sudden rise in electricity generation amid restrained output and supplies on account of excessive rainfall, the government last week said.

In order to tackle the situation, one arm of CIL has been given the role of lead firm for every power plant as about a dozen power plants in the country face a bleak scenario.

In the wake of the scarcity, CIL has also been directed that coal loading via railway rakes shall be hiked to 250 rakes/per day out of which 225 rakes per day shall be supplied to the power sector, the government has said.