Involving Private Sector for Comprehensive TB Care

Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programmme -IndianBureaucracy
Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programmme -IndianBureaucracy

The Government has made notification of Tuberculosis from both the public and private sector mandatory along with a set of guidelines called the “National Guidelines for Partnerships, 2014” for engaging with private sector in the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programmme (RNTCP).

Under the RNTCP, Government is committed to end tuberculosis by 2025. The strategies adopted for this purpose include strengthening and improving quality of basic TB services, engaging with providers other than public, addressing TB HIV co-infection, other co-morbidities and programmatic management of drug resistant TB. Further, targeted interventions in the vulnerable population, integrating newer molecular diagnostics for TB in the health system for early diagnosis of TB, Information Communication Technology (ICT) for notification from private sector, programme monitoring and adherence have also been leveraged as part of the strategies under RNTCP.

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