Devendra Nath PPS promoted to IPS

Devendra Nath IPS
Devendra Nath IPS

Shri Devendra Nath PPS (Uttar Pradesh Police Service) has been appointment by promotion from Uttar Pradesh Police Service to the Indian Police Service (IPS).

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-rule (1) of rule 9 of the Indian Police Service (Recruitment) Rules, 1954, read with sub-regulation (1) of regulation 9 of the Indian Police Service (Appointment by Promotion) Regulations, 1955, the President is pleased to appoint the mentioned of Uttar Pradesh Police Service to the Indian Police Service on probation and to allocate them to the Uttar Pradesh Cadre under sub-rule (1) of the rule 5 of the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954.

The aforesaid officers will remain on probation for one year as per rule of Indian Police Service (Probation) Rules, 1954 and the officers will obtain induction training as per sub rule 5(4) of Indian Police Service (Probation) Rules, 1954 as amended dated 10.05.2011.
The appointments will take effect from the date of issue of notification dated 13-08-2018 wishes Shri Devendra Nath PPS the best.