Coal India Ltd (CIL) on Friday said its production grew by 13 per cent in October so far and the growth in coal dispatch to power sector was around 22 per cent till Thursday.“Union Coal Minister (Piyush Goyal) complimented the employees of CIL for their diligence and perseverance for achieving 10.1 per cent growth in coal production for September 2017 and 13 per cent growth in October 2017 so far,” it said.
Goyal enthused the coal workers by stating that it was heartening to note that the growth in coal dispatch to power sector moved into high orbit with 21 per cent in September 2017 and around 22 per cent tillA October 12, the state-run miner said in a statement.
Goyal, much to the joy of around three lakh non-executive employees of the miner and its subsidiaries, announced that the one-time advance payable to each employee would now be Rs 51,000 instead of Rs 40,000, before Diwali by October 17 – the day of Dhanteras.
The one-time advance would be paid to the employees currently on the rolls of the company.
After long negotiations, the Coal India management and workers’ unions on Tuesday had signed the wage agreement for a 20 per cent hike which would be effective for five years till June 30, 2021.