The Directorate General of Shipping has developed a system for posting a feedback on various services that it offers. The system has been placed on its official website and allows users to give feedback on the overall performance of the Directorate General of Shipping on individual services offered by it or its subordinate offices.
In addition a system for providing concurrent feedback has also been placed at the end of the fourteen e-governance modules offered by the Directorate General of Shipping. This system will collect feedback/suggestions/grievances from the stake holders using these modules. The stakeholders have been given the facility to post their feedback and rate the services in different grades. The aim is to use the feedback for improving the quality of services offered.
The feedback module has a robust Management Information System, which will indicate areas where procedural or policy intervention is required for further improvement of services. The module is expected to benefit a large number of Indian seafarers who have to use the online services offered by DG Shipping to comply with the regulatory requirements.