MoD | 12TH RECAAP Capacity Building Workshop Concludes

12THRECAAP Capacity Building Workshop Concludes
12THRECAAP Capacity Building Workshop Concludes

The closing session of the 12thCapacity Building Workshop Co-hosted by the Indian Coast Guard with the ReCAAP Information Sharing Centre was co-chaired by MrMasafumi Kuroki and Inspector General KR Suresh of Indian Coast Guard. While addressing the gathering IG KR Suresh said the capacity building continues to be a focus area for ReCAAP along with information sharing, as it enhances the professional knowledge of Focal Point staff in enabling the enforcement agencies for prompt response to crisis situations. The capacity building activities of ReCAAP have been a game changer in the fight against piracy and armed robbery not only in the region but also at a global level. The Information Sharing Centre which is now a Centre of Excellence has effectively steered the activities envisaged in the ReCAAP agreement and has significantly contributed in enhancing maritime security in the region.

He also said a robust information sharing mechanism like the Information Network of ReCAAP, not only needs advanced technical solutions but also capable and trained personnel for optimal functioning. Regular have to operate within these limitations attempting a fine balance for securing national interest without infringing the legal provisions.The nations are increasingly recognising that the security threats in the oceans are more challenging than on land due to inherent geographical, technological and mobility constraints. Therefore, credible intelligence, well researched analysis supported by suitable preventive and response measures on land, are more significant to ensure greater success ratio in maritime arena.

Inspector General KR Suresh said that proactive approach by the Indian Coast Guard in involving local police authorities of each coastal state in India has yielded excellent results. This has enabled drastic reduction in incidents of petty thefts off Kandla port as highlighted by various speakers.