Envoys from 5 Nations present Credentials to The President of India


The President of India accepted credentials from the Ambassador/High Commissioner of Hungary, Mauritius, Kyrgyz Republic, Portugal and Mauritania at a ceremony held at Rashtrapati Bhavan on March 24, 2023). Those who presented their credentials were:

1.   H.E. Mr Istvan Szabo, Ambassador of Hungary

2.   H.E. Mr Haymandoyal Dillum, High Commissioner of the Republic of Mauritius

3.   H.E. Mr Askar Beshimov, Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic

4.   H.E. Mr Joao Manuel Mendes Ribeiro de Almeida, Ambassador of Portugal

5.   H.E. Mr Mohammed Ahmed Salem Mohammed Rara, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania

IndianBureaucracy.com wishes them the very best.