Agriculture Minister inaugurates State Centre of Coconut Development Board at Junagarh

Coconut Development Board
Coconut Development Board

The Union Minister for Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Shri Narendra Singh Tomar today inaugurated the 6th State Centre of Coconut Development Board at Junagadh in Gujarat. Shri Tomar also inaugurated the 24th World Coconut Day celebrations.  In his address, Shri Tomar said that along with coconut cultivation, processing and marketing is also growing in our country and India is also leading in terms of coconut exports. Through the Board, the farmers cultivating coconut are getting the benefits of the government’s schemes and along with increasing their income, they are also contributing to the country’s economy.


World Coconut Day is celebrated every year on 2nd September to commemorate the Foundation Day of the International Coconut Community (ICC). The main theme of World Coconut Day this year is – Cultivate coconut for a happy future and life. On this occasion, Shri Tomar congratulated the National Award and Export Excellence Award winners of Coconut Development Board and also addressed the farmers gathered in Kochi (Kerala) in connection with World Coconut Day through video conference.

Shri Tomar said that since ancient times, coconut is being used for worship and oil extraction, and now various types of products are being made by the processors. Their market is growing in the country and our country has also come in the leading position in terms of coconut export in the world. The Central Government is working continuously with the States to continuously increase the cultivation and processing of coconut. The schemes are being implemented meticulously through the Coconut Development Board. He said that the cultivation of coconut is a very good farming practice. The more it increases, the more the farmers as well as the country will draw the benefits. He expressed hope that the farmers would get the benefit of the new State Centre started in Gujarat, their income would increase further and the area under coconut cultivation would also increase. Shri Tomar lauded the Government of Gujarat led by Chief Minister Shri Bhupendra Patel for working sincerely in the field of agriculture. The rains have been good in the state and the farmers are also happy with the schemes related to agricultural development, he said.

Gujarat’s Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Cow Breeding Minister Shri Raghavjibhai Patel, Junagadh MP Shri Rajeshbhai Naranbhai Chudasama, Junagadh MLA and other public representatives and Central Horticulture Commissioner Dr. Prabhat Kumar were present in the function organized by Junagadh Administration and Coconut Development Board. Initially, Dr. Vijayalakshmi Nadendla, Joint Secretary and Board President, Union Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare delivered the welcome address.