15.11.21 | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – COVID-19 Update


112.34 cr vaccine doses have been administered so far under Nationwide Vaccination Drive

India’s Active caseload stands at 1,34,096; lowest in 523 days (17 months)

Active cases account for less than 1% of total cases, currently at 0.39%; Lowest since March 2020

Recovery Rate currently at 98.26%; Highest since March 2020

11,926 recoveries in the last 24 hours increases Total Recoveries to 3,38,49,785

10,229 new cases in the last 24 hours

Daily positivity rate (1.12%) less than 2% for last 42 days

Weekly Positivity Rate (0.99%) less than 2% for last 52 days

62.46 cr Total Tests conducted so far