Sudan | H E Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain presents credentials to the President of India

H E Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain
H E Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain

H.E. Mr. Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain, Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan presented his credentials to the President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind at Rashtrapati Bhavan on May 11, 2022.

After presentation of credentials, the President interacted with the envoy separately. He congratulated on his appointment and emphasized on the warm and friendly relations that India shared with Sudan and the multifaceted relationship that India enjoyed with them.  The President also wished him success in strengthening of bilateral ties and for their well-being and progress and prosperity of the friendly people.

Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain _president india

Through the Ambassador, the President also conveyed his personal regards to their leadership.  The envoy reiterated his commitment to work closely to strengthen their ties with India. wishes Mr Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain the very best.

H.E. Mr. Abdalla Omer Bashir Elhusain
Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan
Plot No 3 , Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi-110021
Monday To Friday: 9.00 A.M. to 4.00 P.M.+91-11-2687 3785, 2687 3746, 2687 3185 (O) +91-11-2688 3758