The President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee will inaugurate an international convention on Homoeopathy on the occasion of the World Homeopathy Day 2016 today at Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi .
Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH), an autonomous organization of Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India and an international organization Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis (LMHI) are jointly organizing the Convention with the support of Ministry of AYUSH to commemorate the 261st birth anniversary of the founder of Homoeopathy, Dr. Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann.
The convention is expected to deliberate upon various significant issues in Homoeopathy. Representatives from countries like Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Italy, Netherlands, U.K., Austria, Armenia, Canada, Israel, Australia, Bangladesh, Japan, France, UAE, Cuba, Nepal, Turkey, Argentina, Slovenia, Pakistan, Ghana and Kenya will participate in the convention.