Multi-purpose Berths at Major Ports


Government aims to develop multi-purpose berths to handle cargo at various major ports in the country. These projects will enhance the capacity of respective ports to handle a variety of cargoes and meet the requirement of the trade. This will also help reducing the pre-berthing detention time and turn round time of vessels at these ports. The detail of the multi-purpose berths being developed at various major ports are as follows: 

Port Multi-purpose berth Capacity(in MTPA/TEUs) Estimated cost(in crores) Likely to be completed
Paradip Port Construction of Multi-Purpose Berth to Handle Clean cargo including containers on BOT basis 5 MTPA 430.78 March, 2018
Visakhapatnam Port Development of WQ-6 berth for handling multi cargo in the inner harbour on DBFOT basis 2.08 MTPA 114.50 Completed
Kamarajar Port Development of multi cargo terminal on DBFOT basis 2 MTPA 151 May, 2017
New Mangalore Port Deep draft multi-purpose general cargo berth No. 12 in the western dock arm. 3 MTPA 1.47 March, 2016
Mormugao Port Conversion of the existing Mechanical Ore Handling Plant (MOHP), Berth No. 8, Berth No. 9 and Barge Berths to Multipurpose Cargo Berths 9 MTPA 525 January, 2019
Kandla Port Development of dry cargo berth No. 14 2 MTPA 200 October, 2018
Development of dry cargo berth No. 16 2 MTPA 200 July, 2018

This information was given by Minister of State for Shipping, Shri Pon Radhakrishnan in a written reply in the Lok Sabha wishes the very best.