Control Centre Contacts | Assisting in Operation Ganga for evacuation of Indians from Ukraine


The following 24×7 Control Centres have been set up to assist in the evacuation of Indian nationals through the border crossing points with Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovak Republic:

A dedicated Twitter Account OpGanga Helpline has been set up to assist Operation Ganga: @opganga
In addition, the Control Room in the Ministry of External Affairs continues to function on 24×7 basis as follows:

1800118797 (Toll free)
+91 1123012113
+91 1123014104
+91 1123017905

+91 11 23088124 (Fax)

Email: [email protected]

Border Crossing with Phone numbers Whatsapp / Email
Poland +48225400000
[email protected]
Romania +40 732 124 309
+40 771 632 567
+40 745 161 631
+40 741 528 123
[email protected]
Hungary +36 308517373
+36 13257742
+36 13257743
Whatsapp +36 308517373
Slovak Republic +421 252631377
+421 252962916+421 951697560
[email protected]