2023 | IndianBureaucracy.com Greetings on Buddha Purnima

Buddha Purnima -indian bureaucracy
Buddha Purnima -indian bureaucracy

Buddha’s Birthday is a holiday traditionally celebrated in Mahayana Buddhism to commemorate the birth of the Prince Siddhartha Gautama, later the Gautama Buddha and founder of Buddhism. According to the Theravada Tripitaka scriptures (from Pali, meaning “three baskets”), Gautama was born in Lumbini in modern-day Nepal, around the year 563 BCE, and raised in Kapilavastu .

The Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has conveyed his greetings on the occasion of Buddh Purnima. 

The Prime Minister tweeted; “Greetings on Buddha Purnima. May the ideals of Lord Buddha keep showing light and giving strength to us all.” 

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IndianBureaucracy wishes Happy Buddha Purnima to its Esteemed Readers.