07.08.22 | Ministry of Health and Family Welfare – COVID-19 Update


206.21 cr Total Vaccine doses (93.55 cr Second Dose and 10.59 cr Precaution Dose) administered Nationwide Vaccination Drive

29,58,617 doses administered in last 24 hours

India’s Active caseload currently stands at 1,34,933

Active cases stand at 0.31%

Recovery Rate currently at 98.50%

18,558 recoveries in the last 24 hours increases Total Recoveries to 4,34,84,110

18,738 new cases recorded in the last 24 hours

Daily positivity rate (5.02%)

Weekly Positivity Rate (4.63%)

87.79 cr Total Tests conducted so far; 3,72,910 tests conducted in the last 24 hours

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