caused climate_indianbureaucracy
Case Studies

Humans have caused climate change for 180 years

September 7, 2016

Summary:An international research project has found human activity has been causing global warming for almost two centuries, proving human-induced climate change is not just

Case Studies

Feeling the force between sand grains

September 7, 2016

Summary:For the first time, researchers have measured how forces move through 3-D granular materials, determining how this important class of materials might pack and

Case Studies

Whales in the desert ?

September 6, 2016

Summary:In Cerro Colorado, located in the Ica Desert of Peru, sedimentary sequences dating back nine million years have been found to host the fossil

Case Studies

Teachers favor middle-class behaviors by students

September 5, 2016

Summary:Sociologists have found that teachers often inadvertently translate students’ class-based behaviors into unequal opportunities in school. Teachers favor middle-class students in various ways, perhaps