Ministry of Power, along with its CPSEs and Organisations, participated in the Special Campaign 2.0 of Government of India from 2nd October to 31st October, 2022. The prime objectives of the campaign were to ensure the disposal of pending matters, strengthening internal monitoring mechanisms, improved record management and cleanliness in workspaces.
Weekly review of the activities under Special Campaign 2.0 are being conducted by Union Minister for Power and New & Renewable Energy and Secretary, Ministry of Power with the officials of the Ministry and its Organizations.
The progress report of the activities carried out under the Special Campaign 2.0 in the Ministry of Power till date is as follows:
No of Public Grievances Disposed: 213
No. of Files weeded out: 24854
Space freed after cleanliness drive (in sq ft): 2820
No of Sites in which cleanliness campaign undertaken: 534
Glimpses of the SpecialCampaign2.0 for Swachhata at Ministry of Power, Shram Shakti Bhawan, New Delhi