Air Marshal Sukhchain Singh Appointed as Commodore Commandant of AFTC

Air Marshal Sukchain
Air Marshal Sukchain

Air Marshal Sukhchain Singh Air Officer-in-charge, Maintenance Air Headquarters (VB) has been appointed as the Commodore Commandant of Air Force Technical College (AFTC), Bengaluru.

The Air Marshal was commissioned on 02 July 79 and underwent training at AFTC as an officer of 16thAeronautical Engineering (Electronics) course. The Air Officer is a recipient of the President’s Plaque for being the Best All Rounder of the passing out course from AFTC. In addition, he was also awarded the Chief of the Air Staff Medal for first in order of merit in AE(L) branch and General Service Training (GST).

He is a graduate in Electronics and Communication from REC Kurukshetra (now NIT) and a post graduate in Integrated Electronics from IIT Delhi. He is also an alumnus of the prestigious Defence Services Staff College, Wellington. He was awarded the Ati Vishisht Seva Medal in Jan 2015 and Vishisht Seva Medal in January 1999 for his distinguished service in IAF. He has rich experience in the field of maintenance management of aircraft, radars and guided weapons.

Prior to assuming the present assignment as Air Officer-in-Charge Maintenance at Air HQs, the Air Officer has held various important staff and field appointments notably, Senior Maintenance Staff Officer at Maintenance Command, Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Engineering B) at Air HQ, Senior Maintenance Staff Officer (SMSO) at South Western Air Command (SWAC), Chief Engineering Officer of an Air Base and Chief Research & Projects Officer at Aircraft Systems Testing Establishment, Bengaluru.