New Education Policy

smriti irani
smriti irani

The Government has initiated the consultation process of formulating a New Education Policy to meet the changing dynamics of the population’s requirement with regard to quality education, innovation and research, aiming to make India a knowledge superpower by equipping its students with the necessary skills and knowledge and to eliminate the shortage of manpower in science, technology, academics and industry. A multiple level consultative processes involving all stakeholders, such as, educationists, teachers, and students across all levels are envisaged. The online consultation process has already been launched on portal and nearly 12,000 suggestions have already been received on 33 identified themes that are accessible on portal. The grass roots level consultation from the Gram Panchayat level through the Block & District to State level is also proposed to be started shortly.

Various points were raised by different States in the meeting held on March 21st, 2015 under Chairpersonship of Union Minister of Human Resource Development to discuss the consultative process on formulation of New Education Policy (NEP) with State Education Ministers and State Education Secretaries and the summary record of the discussions can be accessed from The New Education Policy is likely to be formulated by December, 2015.

This information was given by the Union Human Resource Development Minister, Smt. Smriti Irani in a written reply to the Lok Sabha question.