Minor Reshuffle in Tamil Nadu Bureaucracy | 6 IAS Transferred

6 IAS transferred in Tanil Nadu Govt
6 IAS transferred in Tanil Nadu Govt
  1. Shri S K Prabakar IAS (Tamil Nadu 1989) presently Principal Secretary to Government, Public Works Department and Additional Chief Secretary to Government (i/c), Highways and Minor Ports Department, has been transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to Government, Highways and Minor Ports Department.
  2. Shri K Manivasan IAS (Tamil Nadu 1993) presently Principal Secretary to Government, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department, has been transferred and posted as Principal Secretary to Government, Public Works Department vice Shri S K Prabakar IAS.
  3. Smt. S Madhumathi IAS (Tamil Nadu 2003) presently Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection, is transferred and posted as Secretary to Government, Social Welfare and Nutritious Meal Programme Department vice Dr. K  Manivasan IAS.
  4. Shri  R Kannan IAS (Tamil Nadu 2010) presently Director cum Mission Director, Integrated Child Development Scheme, has been transferred and posted as Commissioner of Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection in the post created at para 1 above vice S. Madumathi IAS.
  5. Smt  Selvi Kavitha Ramu IAS (Tamil Nadu 2011) presently Director of Museums, is transferred and posted as Director cum Mission Director, Integrated Child Development Scheme vice Shri R Kannan IAS.
  6. Shri T Abraham IAS (Tamil Nadu 2003) presently Special Secretary to Government, Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Minorities Welfare Department, has been transferred and posted as Commissioner of Social Welfare Shri VAmuthavalli IAS.

Indian Bureaucracy Dot Com wishes  the very best.