A cheque amounting to Rs. 1,00,00,000 (One Crore) towards Chief Minister Relief Fund was presented to Hon’ble Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, Shri Jairam Thakur by Shri Nand Lal Sharma, Chairman & Managing Director SJVN at Shimla today. The cheque was presented in the august presence of Sh Vineet Chawdhry, Chief Secretary, Ms. Manisha Nanda, Addl. Chief Secretary cum Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister, Sh. R.D. Dhiman, Principal Secretary (Power), Sh. A. S. Bindra, Director (Finance) SJVN and Sh. R. K. Bansal, Director (Electrical) SJVN. On this occasion, other officials from SJVN and Government of Himachal Pradesh were also present.
On this occasion Chairman & Managing Director Sh. Nand Lal Sharma informed Hon’ble Chief Minister that SJVN is efficiently operating two Hydro Power Stations in the State of Himachal Pradesh, namely 1500 MW Nathpa Jhakri Hydro Power Station & 412 MW Rampur Hydro Power Station. He further informed that Himachal Pradesh being host state and having 25.51% equity partnership in SJVN, GoHP receives 230 MW of electricity free of cost besides additional 439 MW on bus bar rates.
Sh. Nand Lal Sharma further apprised the Hon’ble Chief Minister that Government of HP has invested equity of Rs. 1055.02 crores in SJVN and till financial year 2016-17 SJVN has paid cumulative dividend of Rs. 1263.31 crores to Government of HP. He further informed that the financial position of SJVN is strong as the present net worth of the company is Rs. 11,483.83 crores. Based on sound financials company is expanding its horizons in various other sectors of power generation, distribution; pan India as well as across international borders.
Sh. Nand Lal apprised the Hon’ble Chief Minister that SJVN has strong base in the state of Himachal Pradesh and requested to arrange for expediting of the necessary clearances and approvals for Luhri HEP Stage I, Stage II, Sunni Dam HEP and Dhaualasidh HEP. He also requested to consider SJVN for early allocation of other projects in the State, in the mutual beneficial interests of the State as well as SJVN.
The Hon’ble Chief Minister was kind enough to assure early favorable consideration of issues highlighted by Chairman & Managing Director, SJVN.