Month – Margsheersh/ Aghan
Paksha – Shukla
Tithi – Tryodashi up to 7:40 PM on 13 Dec, Chaturdashi up to 4:58 PM on 14 Dec, Poornima up to 2:31 PM on 15 Dec
Moon –In Mesh up to 1:19 PM on 13 Dec, In Vrishabh up to 3:04 PM on 15 Dec
Nakshatra – Krittika up to 5:48 AM on 14 Dec, Rohini up to 3:54 AM on 14 Dec,
Mrigshira up to 2:20 AM on 16 Dec
Colour of The Day
o Saturday – Favourable colour black, dark blue. You can combine with green, shades of green, white, pink, magenta, shades of pink, checks of black/ blue, yellow and shades of yellow. Avoid cream, off white, light blue, red, orange, grey.
o Sunday – Favourable colour Cream. You can combine with light blue, red, orange, yellow, shads of yellow, green and shades of green. Avoid pink, magenta, black, dark blue, checks of black and blue, grey.
Prediction Based on Moon Signs
Aries(Mesh) – You will be benefitted these days due to your spouse and will particularly
be benefitted in profession if your profession is related to materials extracted from earth’s
surface / leather. However you may be falsely implicated resulting in loss of facial glow,
hence review your decisions carefully. There can be a drop in income/ profits. Due to this
you will not be satisfied mentally and will have a difference of opinion with family. Do not
adopt any unethical methods to get success in any task. Keep rice in Shiv mandir, pray.
Recite Aditya Hriday Strotra.
Taurus(Vrishabh) – The days will give mixed results. You can have quarrels, body
aches, indigestion these days. You are also likely to spend more. Try and keep away from state authorities. Problems will crop up at work frequently, however, do not be stubborn towards work partner or be hell bent to introduce changes in profession. Be flexible. You can even feel that your spouse is being thick headed, but you should maintain flexibility. However, you will have some happiness, pleasure and will feel healthy. Good food, good food will be a day saviour. Have gur and water before starting the day. Pray to Surya. Visit Hanuman Mandir and light oil Deepak.
Gemini(Mithun) – There is likely to be adverse effect on married life these days as spouse and / or kids may fall sick. There can be failure at work. If travelling, journeys can be troublesome. You are likely to feel miserable as there can also be loss of reputation, loss of wealth as no one seems to cooperate with you. You can also have body ache, eye problems and spend more than usual. If already sick, sickness can increase and you will feel sad. Enemies will also be active. You can feel disinterested in religion and luck does not favour. Drink water before starting work, pray to Shiv ji, recite Hanuman Chalisa.
Cancer(Kark) – Although you are likely to gain wealth / earn profits with help, support of
women and liquids, yet you can loose wealth too due to people of lower status. Pay attention to servants/ workers. They can even cause failures. Although liquids will be beneficial, yet avoid addictive liquids at all costs. Your pending tasks will be solved giving you happiness and you get good food, good clothes. You will be able to defeat enemies, recover from sickness, and get benefit from officials. You will feel valorous. Keep water towards head at night. Keep silver with you, light oil Deepak in Hanuman temple and recite Hanuman Chalisa.
Sinh(Leo) – You may have to stay away from home and have problems too enroute. Mental stress will be high and can have loss of wealth. However, you will get success with very hard work and blessings of elders. You are likely to feel healthy and get respect as well as gains due to govt. Seniors will be happy, giving happiness at home. You can feel some mental weakness and kids may fall sick. Drive carefully, these days and do not get into disputes. You can feel perturbed, restless too. Do not rely on relatives for anything. Chhaya daan to Shani, recite Aditya Hriday Stotra. Pray to Shiv ji.
Virgo(Kanya) – You can have problems from state authorities, loss at work and differences with son/ very younger males. Enemies will create trouble. You are likely to have physical and mental tensions, family quarrels. You can have troubles due to others causing loss of reputation. Married life will be disturbed. However, hard work will be a saviour and will also let you get comfort of home, vehicle etc. Even profession will be balanced due to hard work. Donate food to incapacitated person. White colour will be suitable. Pray to Surya and Hanuman ji.
Libra(Tula) – You are likely to have indigestion, cough, quarrels, arguments these days,
giving you mental tension, losses in wealth. There is likely to be loss of happiness and
confusion at home. Women whom you meet these days/ visit you may not be of a good
status and inclination. Your spouse/ work partner is likely to be in disagreement with due
to them. Be careful about the people whom you meet these days. If you have been sick, you are likely to recover. You can also have contacts with high officials and get respect from friends. Enemies will be defeated and you may be offered a high post. Offer gram pulse in Shiv mandir, recite Hanuman Chalisa and light oil Deepak in Hanuman mandir.
Scorpio (Vrishchik) – These days you are likely to meet bad and crooked people, have
losses at work and in wealth due to them. There can be quarrels with relatives and / or
friends making you unhappy/ reducing your happiness. There can also be a change
separating you from relatives. Although you are likely to take a short trip which you will
enjoy despite problems. You will enjoy good food and have gains as partners at work and
personal life partners will be beneficial for you. You will although spend more. Give rice
to fishes, recite Hanuman Chalisa. Offer jal to Surya and pray.
Sagittarius(Dhanu) – You can earn wealth but will not be able to save. You are likely to
get fame, but it will not be effective. You can enjoy some good conversations. You can
defeat your enemies, but control your ego for that. However, your wealth will be destroyed due to bad decisions, have loss of respect and works will be delayed. You are not likely to get food on time and travel aimlessly. You can also have quarrels with relatives, friends giving you mental tension, tiredness, irritation. Your ego and decisions are likely to make you loose advantages of dominating your opponents and critics. Be careful. Keep water for birds, recite Hanuman Chalisa and pray.
Makar(Capricorn) – The days are not good for you. You are likely to be troubled if travelling and will be tensed due to family. Hurdles at work can create additional disturbance mentally. If you are travelling, your work will suffer, making your bosses antagonized. You can also have fever, stomach problems, eye problems. Do not argue with state officials. You are also likely to feel sad over past disputes, but it is advised to let them take a back seat as the past is now gone and not likely to be repeated. Unnecessarily worrying will not help. Chhaya daan to Shani, abhishek of Shiv ji. Recite Hanuman Chalisa and Aditya Hriday Stotra.
Kumbh(Aquarius) – You are likely to have quarrels with family and things will get worse
due to your stubborn attitude. It will not only make you restless, tensed but can also lead
to insults, disputes, loss of wealth. Food and sleep both will be disturbed. It is not
advisable to argue with women and keep away from water bodies. Pleasure from spouse
will reduce. You are likely to have frequent failures and a poor financial condition. However, if you can control, you can have some happiness, respect and can enjoy good meetings with friends. Abhishek of Shivji with milk, Chhaya daan to Shani, recite Hanuman Chalisa.
Pisces(Meen) – The days are mixed for you. You can gat a new higher position, getting
an upper edge over enemies as you get success in profession. You will feel mental peace, happiness and family happiness. Despite this, you will be uncomfortable as you waste money travelling and may keep away from home. If travelling, you will be uncomfortable. You are likely to get gains too and enjoy good clothes, You will benefit due to family and luck will seem to improve. Thank Shiv ji, avoid any lies, cunningness. Chhaya daan to Shani, light oil Deepak in Hanuman mandir and pray.
For detailed individual accurate prediction as per Vedic Astrology, contact on +91-9229112953
Moon changes sign every 2.25 days, hence the prediction is being done accordingly as per the sign