Prediction for 10th – 11th April, 2023 by Anoothie Vedic Astrology

Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology
Col Manoj Mehrotra Shastri_Vedic Astrology

Today’s Panchang

 Month – Chaitra
 Paksha – Krishna Paksha
 Tithi – Chaturthi up to 06:02 AM on 10 Apr 23, Panchami up to 7:17 AM on 11 Apr 23
 Nakshatra – Anuradha up to 1:39 AM on 10 Apr, Jyeshtha up to 12:58 PM on 11 Apr 23, Mool up to 12:31 Am on 12 Apr 23

Prediction Based on Moon Sign

Aries(Mesh) – You can have sudden increase in wealth, but some sickness will trouble you. If having long term sickness, it can aggravate. You will get wealth and happiness and have an edge over enemies with success everywhere. Your social reputation will enhance and you will be sound financially.
Taurus(Vrishabh) – Although you will be scared of some humiliation and will work hard, yet you will have monetary gains with profits in business. You will enjoy good food and pleasures, although you can have an emotional difference with spouse.
Gemini(Mithun) – You will enjoy good food and will win over enemies as your influence increases. You will have monetary gains, keep healthy and get happiness. You will enjoy good conversations with women. Expenditure will be heavy.
Cancer(Kark) – If travelling, be prepared for all contingencies as there can be problems in journey. You will be mentally disturbed for no valid reason, hence drive carefully, as there are chances of accident. Workplace will have hurdles/ failures. Primarily, your emotional balance is disturbed.
Leo(Sinh) – You are likely to pick up quarrels at home due to ego and anger, control both. Your decisions can be marred due to these giving you a restless mind and even giving you disturbed sleep at night. Do not get into any kind of arguments with women and be careful while near water. Your spouse will try to pacify you, it is better to listen.

Virgo(Kanya) – With good logic and sound advice from elder males, you will be able to get money, good clothes, good food and will keep healthy these days. Not only you will be able to win over enemies, but you will benefit due to your family. Your luck favours you.
Libra(Tula) – There will be sudden increase in adverse activities by your enemies, but your friends will help you to defeat them. Despite this, you will be mentally unsatisfied and will have differences within the family. This will reduce happiness and may lead to failures at work. Do not get into any unethical activities.
Scorrpio(Vrishchik) – You will have happiness and pleasure on these days with good monetary results and success at work. Success in any field will come with help of women and you will find yourself attracted towards them emotionally and as a partner too. You will enjoy good food, will be interested in art and forms of beauty as well as fun- frolic. Just do not be harsh on anyone.
Sagittarius(Dhanu) – The days will give you problems in eye and face, maybe body ache too. You will have loss of cooperation, particularly from women and will result in loss of reputation as well as increased expenditure. You will therefore be mentally worried.
Makar(Capricorn) – The days will give you increased income and good profit(if in business). Not only you will execute your plans logically and perfectly but will particularly benefit if dealing with any kinds of liquids, oil products like petroleum. Avoid being stubborn.
Aquarius(Kumbh) – Although you can have a change in your job/ profession, but it will give you success. Although success will only come if you are prepared to work hard despite hurdles and problems. Lack of effort will certainly lead to failures. However hard work will win you accolades giving you happiness at the end of the day.
Pisces(Meen) – The days will be mixed for you. While there will be loss of facial glow due to bad decisions and your boss/ father/ fatherly figure, there will be problems from authorities as luck does not favour you. Enemies will create trouble. Despite this, you will be alert about the future keeping you physically and mentally healthy. You will be able to shoulder additional responsibilities and will be financially sound.

For detailed individual accurate prediction as per Vedic Astrology, contact +91-9229112953

Moon changes sign every 2.25 days, hence the prediction is being done for 2 days

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