Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah appointed as Judge – Supreme Court of India

Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah
Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah

Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah presently Judge- Patna High Court has been appointed as Judge –  Supreme Court of India vide notifications dated 02.2023, in exercise of the power conferred by clause (2) of Article 124 of the Constitution of India.

Born on 11th May, 1963; pursued B.Sc. (Hons.) (Chemistry) and LL.B. Enrolled with the Bihar State Bar Council on 27th September, 1991. Practiced predominantly in Constitutional Courts, majorly in the Patna High Court; appeared intermittently in Hon’ble Supreme Court, and Calcutta, Jharkhand and Delhi High Courts, inter alia, in Constitutional, Civil, Criminal, Service, Co-operative, Taxation, Labour, Corporate, Forest matters; specialised in Constitutional and Service laws. Appeared before the Central Administrative Tribunal, Commercial Taxes Tribunal, Board of Revenue, District Courts, Consumer Disputes Redressal bodies, and in few arbitrations.

Standing Counsel, Government of Bihar (March 2006 – August 2010) and Government Advocate, State of Bihar (August 2010 till elevation) [Patna High Court]; Special Counsel, Income-Tax Department, Government of India [Jharkhand High Court], and; Counsel for the District Administration before the Commission of Inquiry into the Dalsingsarai (Samastipur) firing incident.

The Advocate-General, Bihar nominated him to represent the State of Maharashtra, Maharashtra Police and Mumbai Police, upon special request by the Advocate-General, Maharashtra.

Represented various institutional and individual clients, including, but not limited to, Indian Railways, Unit Trust of India, Union Bank of India, RITES (previously Rail India Technical and Economic Services Limited), Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation Limited (IRCTC), Bihar State Housing Board, Bihar State Electricity Board, Bihar State Text Book Publishing Corporation, Bihar State Cooperative Bank Limited, Bihar State Cooperative Marketing Union Limited (BISCOMAUN), Bihar Cooperative Land Development Bank Limited, Bihar State Agricultural Marketing Board, various Agricultural Produce Market Committees in Bihar, Bihar State Housing Cooperative Federation, Bihar State Credit and Investment Corporation (BICICO), Commercial Taxes Department (Government of Bihar), Magadh University (Gaya), Veer Kuer Singh University (Arrah), Bihar Industrial Area Development Authority, Bihar State Health Society, BSACS, Mahindra and Mahindra and Samsung Corporation Engineering & Construction Group.

Empanelled by the Patna Legal Aid Committee (precursor to High Court Legal Services Committee) for Criminal Appeals. Was Amicus Curiae in matters of significance; associated with social issues pro bono. Instrumental in drafting and vetting subordinate/delegated legislation for certain Acts of the Bihar Legislature during 2006-2011.

Invited to address IAS probationers at the LBSNAA, Mussoorie. Participated in Bar Council of India Trust Inter-University Moot Court Competition, 1989 at Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Assistant Returning Officer for the 2002 Bihar State Bar Council and 2006 Jharkhand State Bar Council elections.

Served as Chairman, High Court Legal Services Committee, and Chairman, Juvenile Justice Monitoring Committee [Patna High Court]; and on the Board of Governors, Bihar Judicial Academy, Patna. Appointed Executive Chairman, Andhra Pradesh State Legal Services Authority on 08th November, 2021. Elevated as Judge, Patna High Court on 20th June, 2011. Transferred to Andhra Pradesh High Court on 10th October, 2021. Re-transferred to Patna High Court on 20th June, 2022.

IndianBureaucracy.com wishes Justice Ahsanuddin Amanullah the very best.