Additional Secretary empanelment at the Centre | The ACC has approved the empanelment of the following 14 Bureaucrats for holding Additional Secretary/Additional Secretary Equivalent level posts at Government of India. The names are Prasanta Kumar Swain IPoS 1987, N V Reddy IIS 1988, Anil Kumar Agarwal IPS Uttar Pradesh 1988, Simanchala Dash IRS (IT) 1988, Alok Saxena IPoS 1989, Rajinder Kumar Kashyap IPoS 1989, Vandita Kaul IPoS 1989, Jayant Sinha IA&AS 1990, Ruchika Chaudhry IRS (IT) 1990, Sanjay Prasad IRS (IT) 1990, Sandip Pradhan IRS (IT) 1990, Praveen Vashista IPS Bihar 1991, Pravir Pandey IA&AS 1992 and Suchindra Misra IDAS 1992.