A K Gupta gets additional charge as CMD , TCIL

A K Gupta-cmd-tcil-indianbureaucracy
A K Gupta-cmd-tcil-indianbureaucracy

Shri Ajai Kumar Gupta, Director (Finance) has taken the additional charge of the post of Chairman & Managing Director, Telecommunications Consultants India Limited (TCIL), TCIL Bhawan, New Delhi.

Shri Gupta is a qualified Chartered Accountant and Fellow Member of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. He is LLB and has a Post Graduate Diploma in International Law for Trade & Business.

He has over vast 32 years experience in reputed Manufacturing, Consultancy, Engineering, Contracting and telecom service providing companies. He has worked with Central and State PSUs. He has vast experience in Finance & Accounts, Budget and Budgetary Controls, Risk Management, Management of Foreign Exchange, Taxation, Investment Appraisal, Formulation of Systems and Procedure for Management Accounting and Reporting, Financial Evaluation of the Projects. He has also wide experience in effectively dealing with multilateral agencies, Exchange Control Authorities and Financial Institutions. He played very important role in formation of JVCs in India and abroad and their further business developments. Before taking over the charge of Director (Finance) from 01.07.2011, he was holding the post of Executive Director (F&BD) in TCIL.In addition to his present charge as Director(Finance), Shri A.K. Gupta has been presently entrusted with the additional charge of the post of Chairman and Managing Director w.e.f. 01.02.2016.

IndianBureaucracy.com wishes the very best.

About: TCIL is a prime engineering and consultancy company, is a wholly owned Government of India Public Sector Enterprise under the administrative control of the Department of Telecommunications(DOT), Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Government of India. TCIL was set up in 1978 for providing Indian telecom expertise in all fields of telecom, Civil and IT to developing countries around the world. Company’s core competence is in the fields of Switching, Transmission Systems, Cellular services, Rural Telecommunication, Optical fibre based backbone trans systems, IT & Networking Solutions, Application Software, e-Governence, 3G Network, WIMAX Technology and also Civil construction projects.

More: TCIL India